Spilled Juice- Former Pharma-Exec who killed son with Autism, then released from prison was found deceased

Gigi Jordan found deceased in a bathtub with Suicide note nearby...

Gigi and Jude Jordan 

According to PEOPLE magazine the Ex-Pharma Executive was a millionaire mother who murdered her 8 year old son in a Manhattan hotel room in 2010, was found dead Friday morning in a Brooklyn home she rented. She was 62 years old. 

She was found dead in the bathtub shortly after 12:05 am on Saturday according to reports from NBC New York. 

In 2015 during the court trial she said that she killed her son out of "a mother's love," fearing that her first husband might kill her and custody of her child would go to his abusive father, her second husband. 

She mentioned she also attempted to kill herself after killing him, "I wanted him to be safe and at peace at any cost," Jordan told CBS News New York in 2014. 

Both of her Ex Husbands denied her allegations and were never charged with any crime. 

Although the the authorities has not listed a cause of death. An autopsy will be preformed. 
